23. September 2015
Some information about the photos
Let’s start with the most important information for you: depending on the quality of my network connection I will upload the images with only half the width and height I used so far. While this of course reduces the quality, I hope you won’t notice it if you are just viewing them on a computer screen (otherwise let me know).
Currently you will unfortunately not be able to see the full quality of the photos, anyway, since I can’t process the RAW data of the images on my smartphone in a convenient way. While I therefore mostly use the awesome app Snapseed, that had been recommended to me by friends from “Fuchs trifft Hund“ to get a rough idea about what the final images might look like, in some cases this is still not enough, e.g. if I would have combine several photos for a picture or if the dynamic range of the JPG just too low. I hope I will have some time after returning home to process these and upload them.
Update: Ok, scratch the part about the reduced resolution. Tumblr is apparently already downsizing the images and reduces the JPG quality for uploaded photos in general, so you really shouldn’t see any differences ;-).